
Table of Contents


History expansion

Expression Example Description
!! sudo !! Last command-line
!* vim !* Arguments of last command
!^ vim !^ First argument of last command
!$ vim !$ Last argument of last command
!ls sudo !ls Command-line of last command starting with ls
!ls:* rm !ls:* Arguments of last command starting with ls

Glob qualifiers

Expression Example Description
*(.) ls *(.) Plain files
*(/) ls *(/) Directories
*(m0) ls *(m0) Last modified today
*(m-4) ls *(m-4) Last modified <4 days ago

Process Substitution

Expression Example Description
<(COMMAND) grep "needle" <(curl "") Replace argument with named pipe/FIFO (read-only) with command output
=(COMMAND) vim =(curl "") Replace argument with file (writable) containing command output

Tab Completion

Provides helpful explanations for options and what they do.
ls -(tab)
cap (tab)
rake (tab)
ssh (tab)
sudo umount (tab)
kill (tab)
unrar (tab)


  • ls lists directories first (GNU only) and with colour (applies to all aliases below).
  • ll lists with long format and human-readable sizes (applies to all aliases below).
  • l lists all files.
  • lm lists all files using pager.
  • lr lists recursively.
  • lx lists sorted by extension (GNU only).
  • lk lists sorted by largest file size last.
  • lt lists sorted by newest modification time last.
  • lc lists sorted by newest status change (ctime) last.


  • get downloads from the given URL using aria2c, axel, wget or curl.
  • mkcd creates and changes to the given directory.
  • mkpw generates a random password with the given length and set of characters.

Archives (requires module)

  • archive generates an archive based on file extension.
  • unarchive unarchives files based on the extensions.
  • lsarchive lists archives contents based on the extensions.


  • G is short for git.


  • Gb lists, creates, renames, and deletes branches.
  • Gbc creates a new branch.
  • Gbd detaches HEAD at the tip of the current or given branch.
  • Gbl lists branches and their commits.
  • GbL lists local and remote branches and their commits.
  • Gbm renames a branch.
  • GbM renames a branch even if the new branch name already exists.
  • GbR resets a branch even if the branch name already exists.
  • Gbs lists branches and their commits with ancestry graphs.
  • GbS lists local and remote branches and their commits with ancestry graphs.
  • Gbu unsets the remote-tracking information for the current or given branch.
  • GbG deletes all local branches tracking remote branches that are gone.
  • Gbx deletes a branch.
  • GbX deletes a branch irrespective of its merged status.


  • Gc records changes to the repository.
  • Gca commits all modified and deleted files.
  • GcA commits all modified and deleted files interactively.
  • Gcm commits with the given message.
  • Gco checks out a branch or paths to the working tree.
  • GcO checks out hunks from the index or the tree interactively.
  • Gcf amends the tip of the current branch reusing the same log message as HEAD.
  • GcF amends the tip of the current branch.
  • Gcp applies changes introduced by existing commits.
  • GcP applies changes introduced by existing commits without committing.
  • Gcr reverts existing commits by reverting patches and recording new commits.
  • GcR removes the HEAD commit.
  • Gcs shows one or more objects (blobs, trees, tags and commits).
  • GcS commits with GPG signature.
  • Gcu commits with fixup message using given commit.
  • GcU commits with squash message using given commit.
  • Gcv verifies the GPG signature of commits.


  • GCl lists unmerged files.
  • GCa adds unmerged file contents to the index.
  • GCe executes merge-tool on all unmerged files.
  • GCo checks out our changes for unmerged paths.
  • GCO checks out our changes for all unmerged paths.
  • GCt checks out their changes for unmerged paths.
  • GCT checks out their changes for all unmerged paths.


  • Gd displays information about files in the index and the work tree.
  • Gdc lists cached files.
  • Gdx lists deleted files.
  • Gdm lists modified files.
  • Gdu lists untracked files.
  • Gdk lists killed files.
  • Gdi lists ignored files.


  • Gf downloads objects and references from another repository.
  • Gfc clones a repository into a new directory.
  • Gfm fetches from and merges with another repository or local branch.
  • Gfr fetches from and rebases on top of another repository or local branch.
  • Gfu prunes stale remote-tracking branches, fetches all remotes and merges.


  • Gg displays lines matching a pattern.
  • Ggi displays lines matching a pattern ignoring case.
  • Ggl lists files matching a pattern.
  • GgL lists files that are not matching a pattern.
  • Ggv displays lines not matching a pattern.
  • Ggw displays lines matching a pattern at word boundary.


  • Gia adds file contents to the index.
  • GiA adds file contents to the index interactively.
  • Giu adds file contents to the index (updates only known files).
  • Gid displays changes between the index and a named commit (diff).
  • GiD displays changes between the index and a named commit (word diff).
  • Gir resets the current HEAD to the specified state.
  • GiR resets the current index interactively.
  • Gix removes files from the index (recursively).
  • GiX removes files from the index (recursively and forced).


  • Gl displays the log.
  • Gls displays the stats log.
  • Gld displays the diff log.
  • Glf displays the diff log of a given file, continuing beyond renames.
  • Glo displays the one line log.
  • GlO displays the one line log with authors and dates.
  • Glg displays the graph log.
  • GlG displays the graph log with authors and dates.
  • Glv displays the log, verifying the GPG signature of commits.
  • Glc displays the commit count for each contributor in descending order.
  • Glr manages reflog information.


  • Gm joins two or more development histories together.
  • Gma aborts the conflict resolution, and reconstructs the pre-merge state.
  • Gmc continues the merge after conflicts are resolved.
  • GmC performs the merge but does not commit.
  • GmF creates a merge commit even if the merge could be resolved as a fast-forward.
  • GmS performs the merge and GPG-signs the resulting commit.
  • Gmv verifies the GPG signature of the tip commit of the side branch being merged.
  • Gmt runs the merge conflict resolution tools to resolve conflicts.


  • Gp updates remote refs along with associated objects.
  • Gpf forces a push safely (with "lease").
  • GpF forces a push.
  • Gpa pushes all branches.
  • GpA pushes all branches and tags.
  • Gpt pushes all tags.
  • Gpc pushes the current branch and adds origin as an upstream reference for it.
  • Gpp pulls and pushes the current branch from origin to origin.


  • Gr forward-ports local commits to the updated upstream head.
  • Gra aborts the rebase, and checks out the original branch.
  • Grc continues the rebase after merge conflicts are resolved.
  • Gri makes a list of commits to be rebased and opens the editor.
  • Grs skips the current patch.
  • GrS rebases and GPG-signs the commits.


  • GR manages tracked repositories.
  • GRl lists remote names and their URLs.
  • GRa adds a new remote.
  • GRx removes a remote.
  • GRm renames a remote.
  • GRu fetches remotes updates.
  • GRp prunes all stale remote-tracking branches.
  • GRs shows information about a given remote.
  • GRS changes URLs for a remote.


  • Gs stashes the changes of the dirty working directory.
  • Gsa applies the changes recorded in a stash to the working directory.
  • Gsx drops a stashed state.
  • GsX drops all the stashed states.
  • Gsl lists stashed states.
  • Gsd displays changes between the stash and its original parent.
  • Gsp removes and applies a single stashed state from the stash list.
  • Gsr recovers a given stashed state.
  • Gss stashes the working directory changes, including untracked files.
  • GsS stashes the working directory changes interactively.
  • Gsw stashes the working directory changes retaining the index.
  • Gsu unapplies (reverts) applied changes.


  • GS initializes, updates, or inspects submodules.
  • GSa adds given a repository as a submodule.
  • GSf evaluates a shell command in each of checked out submodules.
  • GSi initializes submodules.
  • GSI initializes and clones submodules recursively.
  • GSl lists the commits of all submodules.
  • GSm moves a submodule.
  • GSs synchronizes remote URL of submodules to the value specified in .gitmodules.
  • GSu fetches and merges the latest remote changes for all submodules.
  • GSx removes a submodule.


  • Gt creates, lists, deletes or verifies a tag object signed with GPG.
  • Gts creates a GPG-signed tag.
  • Gtv verifies the GPG signature of tags.
  • Gtx deletes tags with given names.

Main working tree

  • Gws displays the working tree status in short format.
  • GwS displays the working tree status.
  • Gwd displays changes between the working tree and the index (diff).
  • GwD displays changes between the working tree and the index (word diff).
  • Gwr resets the current HEAD to the specified state, does not touch the index nor the working tree.
  • GwR resets the current HEAD, index and working tree to the specified state.
  • Gwc cleans untracked files from the working tree (dry-run).
  • GwC cleans untracked files from the working tree.
  • Gwm moves or renames files.
  • GwM moves or renames files (forced).
  • Gwx removes files from the working tree and from the index (recursively).
  • GwX removes files from the working tree and from the index (recursively and forced).

Working trees

  • GW manages multiple working trees.
  • GWa creates path with a new working tree.
  • GWl lists details of all working trees.
  • GWm moves a working tree to a new location.
  • GWp prunes working tree information.
  • GWx removes a working tree.
  • GWX removes a working tree (forced).


  • G.. changes the current directory to the top level of the working tree.
  • G? looks up the aliases defined here with the given regular expressions.

Homebrew (requires module)

  • brewc cleans the cache.
  • brewC scrubs the cache, including downloads for the latest versions.
  • brewd checks your system for potential problems.
  • brewe edits given formula.
  • brewi shows information about given formula.
  • brewI installs given formula.
  • brewl lists installed formulae.
  • brewL lists installed formulae that don't depend on other installed formula.
  • brewo lists outdated installed formulae.
  • brewr reinstalls given formula.
  • brews performs a search of formula names.
  • brewS manages background services with macOS' launchctl daemon manager.
  • brewu updates Homebrew and all formulae.
  • brewU upgrades outdated and unpinned formulae.
  • brewx uninstalls a given formula.
  • brewX deletes all installed versions of given formula.

Homebrew Cask

  • cask is short for brew cask.
  • caske edits given cask.
  • caski shows information about given cask.
  • caskI installs given cask.
  • caskl lists installed casks.
  • casko lists outdated installed casks.
  • caskr reinstalls given cask.
  • casks performs a search of cask tokens.
  • caskU upgrades given cask or all outdated casks, if none given.
  • caskx uninstalls given cask.
  • caskX uninstalls even if given cask does not appear to be present.
  • caskz zaps all files associated with given cask.

Pacman (requires module)

  • pacb builds package in the current directory, cleanups, and installs.
  • paci installs, syncs, and upgrades packages.
  • pacu installs, syncs, and upgrades packages (forcibly refreshes package list).
  • pacU installs packages from pkg file.
  • pacd installs all packages in current directory.
  • pacr removes package and unneeded dependencies.
  • pacrm removes package, unneeded dependencies, and configuration files.
  • pacq queries package information from remote repository.
  • pacQ queries package information from local repository.
  • pacs searches for package in the remote repository.
  • pacS searches for package in the local repository.
  • pacol lists orphan packages.
  • pacor removes all orphan packages.
  • pacown lists all files provided by a given package.
  • pacblame shows packages that own a specified file.

aur helpers

  • aurb clones the given package name from the AUR, builds, and installs.
  • aurd clones the given package name from the AUR, but does not build.
  • auru from a directory created with aurb, will update, build, and install the package.