
Zim alone won't change your Zsh experience! By enabling modules, you pick what features you want.

A brief list of modules and their descriptions can be seen below. Clicking on the name of a module will take you to the full documentation for that module.

Add zmodule <module> to your ~/.zimrc and run zimfw install to install it.


Name Description
completion Enables and configures smart and extensive tab completion.
environment Sets generic Zsh built-in environment options.
input Applies correct bindkeys for input events.
run-help Figures out where to get the best help, and gets it.


Name Description
archive Provides archive and unarchive functions for easy archive manipulation.
asdf Sets up asdf, with auto install and optimized usage of the direnv plugin.
exa Adds aliases and better defaults for exa.
fzf Configures fzf for faster fetching of files and directories names.
git Provides nice git aliases and functions.
k All kubectl aliases in one function.
magic-enter Shown when there is no command and user presses ENTER.
pvenv Manages all python venvs in one place.
ruby Provides ruby, bundler, rbenv and rvm aliases and initialization.
ssh Provides a convenient way to load ssh-agent.
termtitle Sets a custom terminal title.
utility Adds utility aliases and functions. Adds colour to ls, grep and less.

Prompt enhancement

Name Description
duration-info Exposes to prompts how long the last command took to execute.
git-info Exposes git repository status information to prompts.
prompt-pwd Formats the current working directory to be used by prompts.


Name Description
homebrew Adds aliases for Homebrew.
pacman Adds aliases for the pacman package manager.

Community modules

These are modules provided by users of the community.

Name Description
joke/zim-chezmoi Sets up chezmoi in zsh.
joke/zim-github-cli Sets up github-cli in zsh.
joke/zim-gopass Sets up gopass in zsh.
joke/zim-helm Sets up helm in zsh.
joke/zim-istioctl Sets up istioctl in zsh.
joke/zim-k9s Sets up k9s in zsh.
joke/zim-kn Sets up kn in zsh.
joke/zim-kubectl Sets up kubectl in zsh.
joke/zim-minikube Sets up minikube in zsh.
joke/zim-mise Sets up mise in zsh.
joke/zim-rtx Sets up rtx in zsh.
joke/zim-skaffold Sets up skaffold in zsh.
joke/zim-starship Sets up starship prompt in zsh.
joke/zim-steampipe Sets up steampipe in zsh.
joke/zim-yq Sets up yq in zsh.
kiesman99/zim-zoxide Sets up zoxide in zsh.